I regret to inform you that in the process of training Heartland Lacey ran away and colided with a fixed object. She sustained serious career ending injuries and has retired from the field. With a record of 2 wins she will be sent to pasture to recuperate and be turned hopefully into some little girls pet.
I guess it is time to find a new horse....sigh
Awww. Sorry. For a second I thought you were going to say they put her down. I am stressed out this week and probably would have broken down over this.
Well, she had a good run and hopefully will be happy swishing flies and eating grass.
That's a real shame. While it won't make YOU feel any better, you CAN feed her carrots and apples now (that will make HER feel better. I guess that's what sucks about live animals, hey? That whole "no guarantee" thing ....
Good luck with the next one. Hope it works out for you. And I hope she recovers fast. I hate to think of a horse in pain.
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