Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Here is something I stole off an e-mail which is weird cause it says send to women you know and I am by no means a female

A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE... A feeling of control over her destiny...

EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... How to fall in love without losing herself

EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... When to try harder ... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...

EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... That she can't change The length of her calves,The width of her hips, or The nature of her parents...

EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... That her childhood may not have been perfect... but; it's over...

EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... What she would and Wouldn't Do for love or more...

EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... How to live alone...even if she doesn't like it...

EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... Whom she can trust, whom she can't,And why she shouldn't take it personally...

"why" you ask would I post this. well I think they were written by men, Cause if the Irish Chick could follow this she would be happier and so would I.

I didnt have a fairey tale child hood but i lived through it and am stronger because of it and while it may colour my past and future it is not biggest part of me. it doesnt consume me or rule my life

Chris asked why i don't just ask the Iish Chick if she wants to see me, I have and the answer is forever changing and the closer it comes time to happen the more likely it is to be no. if i go i will just book a flight and a bed and breakfast and tell her where i am and she can decide after that.

I have made other freinds from visits there and i like the country maybe this time i will even make it to dublin though i hear its expensive

ahh well lifes for the living


Blogger Christine said...

I LOVED Dublin. Loved loved loved. Take me, take me!!! lol

2:10 p.m.  

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