Tuesday, December 22, 2009

So hello my sweet young Friend, okay the photo is apropos of nothing but I am sure you don't really care

Devon Cream finished a very close second in her last race of the year in fact I am sure the winning horse is still trying to get her snot out of his ears. The two of them got together and sent a post card to third place something about "wish you were here....already" Horses can be so catty.

Prairie Ruff n Tuff is still sick but he is showing some good promise and we will see but again not till the new year.

I am down to a skeleton crew and I am getting tired of the jump your bones jokes

Not a lot else to say

As always questions will be answered or ignored depending on how I feel

Laters haters

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Okay I know I have been a little recalcitrant in my regularly scheduled updates so here goes

Devon cream is looking very good and she looks like she will make a return on investment, she was scheduled to run last weekend but the races were cancelled due to the extreme cold in Alberta. She will likely be running on Saturday but the race card has not been posted yet.

Prairie Ruff n Tuff is not so good he has apparently caught some kind of a virus and is off racing for at least a month and we will have to re-evaluate his potential

The Irish chick has virtually dropped off the face of the earth so no news there

Work is slowly killing me and the weather has turned completely unbearable it was -45 with the windchill this morning

If any one has a spare winning lottery ticket that they don't mind sharing I am willing to be a share holder

Any ways that is my non life in a nutshell

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Miss devon Cream with a respectable time earned a respectable 3rd place in Edmonton on Sunday earning her owners a seemly $ 3,000.00 and atleast paying her bills for a few weeks

Now we just have to wait till we see what the boy has to say on Wednesday